Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pink laugh and a liquorice sentence

Synaesthesia comes from syn [union] and aistheses [sensation], in which a stimulus received in one sensory modality gives rise to an experience in another. One of the most common forms of synaesthesia is a sound/sight connection, where the person [synaesthete] ‘sees’ sound, or ‘hears’ visuals. Another is inherently knowing what colour different numbers or letters correlate to. Or knowing the personality of your appliances. Or knowing what a triangle tastes like. Or where in relation to your body 1999 is.

I love this video: it looks equally likely to have come from Sesame Street, or from an acid soaked nightmare.

And of course:

Fun facts: True synaesthesia is involuntary, women are eight times more likely to have it than males, as are those who have difficulty telling their left from their right(?)


  1. do they view objects in a certain colour as a series of numbers in that form?

  2. Do you mean the reverse? If someone, for example, saw a red car they'd see an overlay of 9s upon the car? Apparently it can manifest in a multitude of forms...any automatic association between the senses (and automatically sensed.)...so...erm...yes?

  3. http://teemingvoid.blogspot.com/2008/10/synesthesia-and-cross-modality-in.html
