Anomina Group were a US collective of the 1960s who dealt with the investigation of the psychology of visual perception. The latest scientific research formed the starting point for the majority of their artwork, which, through exploring optics, geometry and monochromatics, formed part of the movement of Op-art (Optical Art). Their artistic methods - modulations, repetitions, spatialization, transformations and subdivisions - foreshadowed what are taken as ground level rules in the current generative art trend.

In an artistic manifesto mode typical of the 1930s, the Anomina group were anti-gallery, anti-art competitions and did not believe in the commercialism of art. However, in a stance perpendicular to the likes of the Dada, Anomina did not stand for art for arts sake, or for the idea that any 'creation' might be art - but rather explored art as a tool which, alongside science, could move humankind closer to understanding the biological world.
A 1964 Time article on Op-Art, featuring Anomina Group, can be found here:http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,897336-1,00.html
Thanks a lot for this and thanks for the link to the Time Magazine article. Shame it doesn't have the original pictures that went with it (or does it?). If you're interested in Op Art, have a look at my site http://www.op-art.co.uk - still in its infancy but quite a lot on Vasarely and Riley with some early pictures you won't have seen before.